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Development of Mental Operations of Students by Case Tasks in the Course of Mathematics
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Abstract: At present, the process of reforming the system of basic general and secondary general education is continuing, one of the directions of which is the clarification of the main educational results. The main educational result of the subject area «Mathematics» is the ability of the trainees: to think logically, to start communication, to simulate various processes and objects of reality. One of the conditions for the successful formation of the allocated abilities is the development of students’ thinking with the help of special tasks. It is substantiated that such tasks can be case-study of practical, training and research types. The article describes the extended characteristic of the content component of different types of case-studies in the subject area «Mathematics» depending on the level of study. The influence of the highlighted types of case-tasks on the development of the students' thinking operations depending on the level of study is illustrated. Based on the correlation of the types of case-tasks with the selected mental operations, it was shown that the most rational for the development of mental operations at all levels of learning is mathematics and for a wider contingent of students is the use of practical cases, since this kind of case studies allows you to organize not only work with their mathematical content, but also contributes to the immersion of students in practice-oriented life situations. The conclusion is drawn that the use of case studies in teaching mathematics allows to develop the greatest number of mental operations of students, and fosters the formation of skills of students, aimed at achieving the main educational result in the subject area «Mathematics».
Key words: Learning outcomes; mental operations formation; case methods; methods of teaching Math; methods of teaching Math at school.
For citation
Avvakumova I. A. Development of Mental Operations of Students by Case Tasks in the Course of Mathematics / I. A. Avvakumova, N. V. Dudareva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №8. – P. 6-11.