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Features of Mathematical Anxiety of Creative Students
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Abstract: This article examines the main theoretical aspects of the problem of mathematical anxiety, as an unconscious tendency to stress reaction when studying mathematics, which can interfere with calculation and mathematical problems solving in various everyday and educational situations. The authors on the basis of theoretical analysis assume that creative students will exhibit some features of mathematical anxiety. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the possibility to abandon the patterns of perception and to use the original ways of problem solving contributes to a significant decrease of stress and anxiety in the situations that require counting and combinatorial thinking. It is also possible to establish the relationship between the student's confidence in their creative abilities and the absence of negative experiences associated with the need to learn mathematical patterns and formulae. Creative students are more likely to assign their failures to the lack of effort or negative motivation. Mathematical failures do not lead to a decrease in mathematical efficiency. For creative students, only their own reactions to problems and troubles in life are important. They believe that if the task is not done well enough, then in the future one can make corrections and improve their achievements. They consider the errors as an opportunity for personal growth. In conclusion, the authors state that creative schoolchildren have significant differences in the indicators of mathematical anxiety. It is argued that the absence of significant differences in the social value of the mathematics of schoolchildren with a high level of creative identity and the indices of non-creative classmates can be explained by the fact that mathematics teachers do not often associate mathematical knowledge with the daily life of schoolchildren. Non-creative schoolchildren are often afraid of appearing to be not smart enough, and therefore try to emphasize in every way the significance of their intellectual achievements.
Key words: Creative identity; mathematical anxiety; types of thinking; students; creative students; methods of teaching Math, methods of teaching Math at school.
For citation
Vodyakha, S. A. Features of Mathematical Anxiety of Creative Students / S. A. Vodyakha, Y. E. Vodyakha // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №9. – P. 80-85.