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From Experience of Institutes of Higher of Russia on Introduction of Zdorov'esberegayuschikh of Programs In Educational Space of Higher School
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Abstract: To form the healthkeeping educating space of the high school it is necessary to use the variety of the forms and methods of the educating activity and to create the teachers and sympathizers team which will be able to design the conditions for healthy way of life motivation and carry out the healthkeeping technologies by the professional integration. There is Russian universities experience used to form healthkeeping programmes into the educational process of high school in the article.
Key words: Healthkeeping; healthkeeping technologies; students’ health; healthkeeping education.
For citation
Elkova, L. From Experience of Institutes of Higher of Russia on Introduction of Zdorov'esberegayuschikh of Programs In Educational Space of Higher School / L. Elkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2009. – №4. – P. 11-17.