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Innovation Interpreting of the Physical Culture and Sport in High School
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Abstract: The Absence of the legal bases of serious state support of the introduction innovation technology of the physical education, providing activation of the processes of the mastering of valuables physical and sport culture in mass general school and institutions average and high vocational training, becomes more actual social problem. The Problem of the shaping of health of students is one of the most sharp and requires taking the effective measures. The most efficient by shaping of health children and youth is scolded improvement of physical work in educational institutions.
Key words: Physical culture; sport; athletic culture; innovation; health forming technologies; physical education.
For citation
Panachev, V. D. Innovation Interpreting of the Physical Culture and Sport in High School / V. D. Panachev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2009. – №4. – P. 18-25.