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The Intellectual Development of the Primary Schoolchildren in the Course of the Early Training in the Computer Science
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Abstract: The role and the place of early training in the computer science in the intellectual development of the person is defined in the article. Taking into consideration the concept of intelligence and its age classification offered by Zh. Piazhe, and allocation of tree of operations we have come to the conclusion of the expediency of the early training to the computer science and the necessity of theoretical substantiation of the program of the course. Within the limits of our research the pedagogical conditions of the formation of the course program of the computer science in a primary school, directed to the development of intelligence of the pupils of the elementary forms in the course of early training to computer science are revealed.
Key words: Early teaching the computer science; intellectual development of the person; age classification of mentality by J. Piaget.
For citation
Slinkina, I. N. The Intellectual Development of the Primary Schoolchildren in the Course of the Early Training in the Computer Science / I. N. Slinkina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2010. – №4. – P. 9-14.