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Optimization of Pedagogic Interaction in the Conditions of Miscoordination of Value Orientations of the Subjects of Educational Process
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Abstract: The article presents an outline of the research on miscoordination of value orientations of the subjects of the educational process belonging to different generations. Difficulties in pedagogical interaction, appearing under the influence of the above described phenomenon, are singled out. The author suggests possible ways of optimization of pedagogic interaction.
Key words: Pedagogic interaction, value orientations, value orientation miscoordination of different generations, tolerance.
For citation
Sychenko, J. A. Optimization of Pedagogic Interaction in the Conditions of Miscoordination of Value Orientations of the Subjects of Educational Process / J. A. Sychenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2011. – №1. – P. 260-268.