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Voice and Speech of a Teacher as a Major Element of Professional Skill
- Hits: 337
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Abstract: The problem of voice training of students of pedagogical high school — future teachers of music, and other subjects is analyzed. The characteristic of qualities of sounding of voice is given, sounding causes of infringement are specified. The emphasis is placed on complexity of transition from speech to singing. Possibility of improvement and preservation of voice of a teacher by means of various techniques of singing breath training is considered.
Key words: Voice; speech; quality of sounding of voice; singing; speech breath; diseases of the voice apparatus; hygiene of voice; respiratory gymnastics.
For citation
Chernov, D. E. Voice and Speech of a Teacher as a Major Element of Professional Skill / D. E. Chernov, L. V. Chernova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2011. – №5. – P. 218-222.