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Feeling for Law and Order as an Element of Legal Culture of a Schoolchild
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Abstract: The author of the article analyses general problems of the structure and the contents of the concept “legal culture of a schoolchild”. The author represents variants of practical application of methods of work on formation of legal culture of the pupil. As an element of legal culture the phenomenon of feeling for law and order is regarded. The author analyses the peculiarities of feeling for law and order development and development of legal culture in the school environment.
Key words: Legal culture; feeling for law and order; legal competence of schoolchildren; legal upbringing at school; legal education at school.
For citation
Gavrish, E. M. Feeling for Law and Order as an Element of Legal Culture of a Schoolchild / E. M. Gavrish // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №2. – P. 208-210.