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Style Approach Realization in the Process of Teaching Students of a Pedagogical University Art
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Abstract: The main positions of style approach in the process of realization of artistic education of students of a pedagogical university are described. The essence of work on acquiring the style conception through revealing specific relations between content and form of a piece of art (i.e. the meaning and its structural representation in the frames of a certain culture) by the students is presented. The author describes the principle of foregrounding of ontological component of style on the basis of dialogic involvement of artistic-aesthetic experience of an individual as a necessary component in the structure of classes.
Key words: Style conception; style semantics; thesaurus of style intonations; style object; piece of art as a style representative; dialogue of cultures.
For citation
Kuprina, N. G. Style Approach Realization in the Process of Teaching Students of a Pedagogical University Art / N. G. Kuprina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №2. – P. 137-142.