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Image as a Dynamic Characteristics of Personal and Professional Qualities of a Teacher
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Abstract: In the article the results of the research aimed to show up the insights of the I, III, and V course students concerning the «ideal» teacher image are presented. Three forms of the «ideal» teacher, that are considered urgent by students of various courses, are discribed. The personality profile of a teacher for each of these forms are created. The analysis of the forms permited to determine differences students’ insights on the «ideal» teacher, and dynamics of forming such image during educational process.
Key words: Image; dynamics of development; self-development; «ideal» image of higher school teacher; its perception by students.
For citation
Tarakanova, A. A. Image as a Dynamic Characteristics of Personal and Professional Qualities of a Teacher / A. A. Tarakanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №3. – P. 70-75.