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Specific Terms and Educational Performance of Parents
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Abstract: Conversion, ongoing in Russia, focuses on the special importance of family in the education of a child. In modern Russian society upbringing of children is understood as socially significant activity of parents, the functional load is given in the form of conditions and means of education meeting the requirements of the time. The effectiveness of educational activities is determined by the total number of conditions, where the main role is given to psychological ones, since they are the most manageable and, therefore, can be used to optimize the educational activities at home.
Key words: Educational activity of parents; meaningful and targeted educational component of parents; psychological condition of the parents' educational performance.
For citation
Vasyagina, N. N. Specific Terms and Educational Performance of Parents / N. N. Vasyagina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №1. – P. 63-69.