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Internet Addiction of Students: Prevention Issues
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical problem of prevention of the Internet addiction of the student youth. The article describes the psychological and pedagogical features of student youth, the specificity of the Internet addiction, analyses the main aspects of prevention in the context of the issue. The article presents the results of the diagnostic study of the Internet addiction of 1-3 year students on a speciality «Social work» in the universities of the Ural region. Special attention is focused on the development of the project of the school «All in your hands» in the aspect of the prevention of the Internet addiction in a higher education institution.
Key words: Prevention; Internet addiction; student youth; project activity; project.
Для цитирования:
Larionova, S. O. Internet Addiction of Students: Prevention Issues / S. O. Larionova, A. S. Degterev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №2. – С. 232-239.