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Educational Level and System of Training of the Teaching Staff in the Urals in the 1930s (On the Material of Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk Regions)
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Abstract: Attention is given to the role of teachers in the process of introduction of universal primary education in the Urals. The activity of teacher training courses, specialized secondary educational institutions and pedagogical institutes in training of the teaching staff in the Urals in the 1930s are analyzed. Short-term courses were the most important in training of the teaching staff in the Urals, which explains low level of professional knowledge of teachers until the end of 1930s.
Key words: Vocational and educational level of teachers; training and retraining of the teaching staff; universal primary education; incomplete secondary education; short-term teacher training courses; teachers’ training vocational schools; the Ural Industrial Pedagogical Institute; the Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute.
For citation
Suvorov, M. V. Educational Level and System of Training of the Teaching Staff in the Urals in the 1930s (On the Material of Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk Regions) / M. V. Suvorov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №2. – P. 72-82.