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Self-Projecting: Unity of Self-realization and Development of an Inner World of a Person
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Abstract: The author makes an attempt to describe basic features of contemporary social reality and demands it makes to self-projecting of a person. Personal project is considered to be a unity of inner and outer i.e. moral values which determine a limit of freedom of self-realization in the frames of personal project; and outer ones as an ability to present yourself according to the requirements of the society. There has been an analyses of a model «Russian education — 2020» from the position of re-quirements of present days and moral values.
Key words: Informative society, current reality, self-projecting, self-realization, inner world of a person, choice, values, freedom, boarders of freedom, morality, basis of society’s stability.
For citation
Bukhartseva, N. G. Self-Projecting: Unity of Self-realization and Development of an Inner World of a Person / N. G. Bukhartseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №2. – P. 22-26.