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Formation of Universal Educational Actions of the 6th Grade Students in the Course of Studying the Subject “Divisibility Signs”
- Hits: 325
Abstract: Competence-based and system and activity approaches of studying are modern effective ways of modernization of the content of education. In the article general characteristics of these approaches are allocated: development of the universal educational actions (UEA) (informative, regulatory, communicative) is the basis providing mastering with key competences. Expediency of the account by the teacher of assimilation levels of the activity by the students that are trained by means of solving tasks and exercises of different types in the course of UEA formation, is proved. Experience of studying the subject “Divisibility Signs” where each level of assimilation of activity is illustrated by the maintenance of tasks and exercises is described.
Key words: Competence-based approach; system and activity approach; key competences; universal educational actions; mathematical activity; level of activity assimilation.
For citation
Veleten, O. S. Formation of Universal Educational Actions of the 6th Grade Students in the Course of Studying the Subject “Divisibility Signs” / O. S. Veleten // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №5. – P. 16-19.