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Adaptation of an Educational Process Management Automated System Based on the Documentation Management Analysis of Higher Education
- Hits: 260
Abstract: The article analyzes the university’s documentation management: the stage of documents circulation, role of university's departments in the management of education via documentation. The usage of software “1C: University PROF” for automation of the university's educational activities is discussed. An algorithm for automated adaptation of university's educational process management is given.
Key words: Adaptation of an educational process management automated system; documentation support of the university educational management; software “1C: University PROF”; the educational process.
For citation
Andreev, V. V. Adaptation of an Educational Process Management Automated System Based on the Documentation Management Analysis of Higher Education / V. V. Andreev, N. V. Gerova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №5. – P. 25-29.