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Models of Application of Social Network Services in Education
- Hits: 351
Abstract: The topic to be investigated is the problem of consulting a generalized model of teaching Physics using the network of social services. The existing models of network services and their briefly noted peculiarities are being discussed. The pedagogical meta-model of the educational process has become the basis of allocation of the components of the generalized model of the educational process. The structure of a generalized model of the educational process with the use of social networking services has been created. The description of the two components of the learning model: the place of service in the sources of educational information, types of educational-cognitive activity of schoolchildren has been done. Generalized goals of the networks of social services in the learning process have been marked.
Key words: Social network services; a model of educational process with the use of social networking services; component model; the system of sources of educational information; the types of learning and cognitive activity; the objectives of the network of social services.
For citation
Ospennikova, E. V. Models of Application of Social Network Services in Education / E. V. Ospennikova, I. V. Yakovleva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №5. – P. 46-51.