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Ensuring Conditions of Pedagogical Content in the Model of School Learning
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Abstract: The article considers the content of the pedagogical content of the components of electronic educational resources and educational technology of information project learning course as an important condition of effective implementation of the model of technological training of pupils, built on their basis. Analyzed is the effectiveness of the structure of the developed application software in the form of electronic educational resources on specific topics of the curriculum and educational technology of information project of the learning course of the subject «Technology. Technical work» for 5–7 grades in their practical application in the educational process.
Key words: Electronic educational resources; educational content of the model of training of pupils.
For citation
Vasin, E. K. Ensuring Conditions of Pedagogical Content in the Model of School Learning / E. K. Vasin, K. E. Romanova, A. A. Chervova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №1. – P. 221-225.