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Occupational Mobility of Teachers and Doctors: Possibilities and Limitations of Comparative Analysis
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Abstract: The article deals with professional mobility of teachers and doctors considering structural features of the group: the priority in solving professional problems for public safety, the part and composition of employment in the economy, shortage of staff, gender asymmetry, demand for formal additional vocational training, industrial type of employment with the prevalence of intra-organizational model of employment and balance of work and life. It is found that limitations of the comparative characteristics are different degrees and forms of social capital conversion of teacher and doctor.
Key words: Occupational mobility of doctors; social capital of a doctor.
For citation
Petrova, L. E. Occupational Mobility of Teachers and Doctors: Possibilities and Limitations of Comparative Analysis / L. E. Petrova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №1. – P. 127-130.