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Methodical and Technological Provision of Pedagogical Support for Senior Preschoolers Showing Deviant Behavior
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Abstract: Methodical and technological provision of pedagogical support for senior preschoolers showing deviant behavior is presented in the article. It includes revealing of the following procedural and technological features of the manifestation of pedagogical conditions: 1) application of pre-deviant diagnostics and prevention of deviant behavior of preschoolers; 2) cultivation of universal human values and relations in children's group; 3) organization of the participative relations of subjects of the educational environment of pre-school educational institution.
Key words: Methodical and technological provision, pedagogical support, senior preschoolers, pedagogical conditions.
For citation
Kazaeva, E. A. Methodical and Technological Provision of Pedagogical Support for Senior Preschoolers Showing Deviant Behavior / E. A. Kazaeva, O. G. Shabardina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №10. – P. 105-113.