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The Successful Teacher: What is He Like?
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Abstract: The article contains an analysis of the information obtained in focus groups of teachers in the city and the region. The criteria of successful activity of the teacher are defined . A comparative analysis of these criteria was made for a number of professions. The authors defined the parameters and indicators of well-being that would be used to create a monitoring scheme of social and professional well-being of secondary school teachers of Sverdlovsk region.
Key words: Social and occupational well-being; success and its criteria; social group; the proletarianization of intelligentsia.
For citation
Pryamikova, E. V. The Successful Teacher: What is He Like? / E. V. Pryamikova, I. V. Shapko, N. V. Yershova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №11. – P. 171-178.