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Prevention of Speech Errors in Pupils of Polyethnic Groups in the Process of Teaching Detailed Exposition of a Fiction Text
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of speech development of children of polyethnic groups on the basis of the simulation teaching method taking into account typical speech errors. This helps the teacher of Russian to choose effective methods of prevention of speech errors and to correctly organize their work on vocabulary enrichment of bilingual students in preparation for written exposition.
Key words: Polyethnic group; written speech; speech errors and shortcomings; mini exposition; detailed exposition.
For citation
Chaptykova, N. P. Prevention of Speech Errors in Pupils of Polyethnic Groups in the Process of Teaching Detailed Exposition of a Fiction Text / N. P. Chaptykova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №12. – P. 195-199.