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Polilogue of Cultures in Teaching a Foreign Language as a Means of Forming Tolerance
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Abstract: The article deals with the relationship between language teaching and acquaintance with a foreign culture as a basis for the formation of intercultural communication ability. The article further describes the process of introduction of intercultural component into the practice of a foreign language teaching, into its contents and methodology, where the strategic aim consists not only in formation of communicative competence of the students, but also in preparation for transition from just knowing to active participation in initialization and concrete actions to eliminate extremism, minimize cultural aggression, discrimination and vandalism. The process of a foreign language teaching is viewed upon as a means of upbringing a tolerant person and as a means of granting personal socialization not in the interests of a concrete state but of the person himself or herself.
Key words: Intercultural component in the practice of a foreign language teaching; foreign culture teaching; foreign language teaching; relationship between intercultural communication and foreign language.
For citation
Krasilnikova, N. A. Polilogue of Cultures in Teaching a Foreign Language as a Means of Forming Tolerance / N. A. Krasilnikova, K. D. Tikhanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №4. – P. 66-76.