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Intercorrelations of Psychological Well-Being and Ethnic Tolerance of Senior High School Students
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Abstract: The main approaches to the analysis of the problem of correlation of indicators of psychological well-being and ethnic tolerance are discussed. The structure of psychological well-being of tolerant and intolerant of senior high school students has significant differences. The differences in the ratio of the psychological well-being of senior high school students‘ personal tolerance has been revealed.
Key words: Psychological well-being of a person; ethnic tolerance of senior high school students; relationship between personal well-being and tolerance of of senior high school students.
For citation
Vodyakha, S. A. Intercorrelations of Psychological Well-Being and Ethnic Tolerance of Senior High School Students / S. A. Vodyakha, Y. E. Vodyakha // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №5. – P. 198-201 .