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Linguostylistic Text Analysis (On the Material of the Novel «The Blind Assassin» by M. Atwood)
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Abstract: The paper contains a sample of linguostylistic text analysis on the material of an extract from the novel ―The Blind Assassin‖ by M. Atwood. Phonetic, lexical and syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices are discussed, the effects they create are commented upon.
Key words: Linguostylistics; text interpretation; fiction; stylistic devices; expressive means.
For citation
Shekhtman, N. G. Linguostylistic Text Analysis (On the Material of the Novel «The Blind Assassin» by M. Atwood) / N. G. Shekhtman // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №6. – P. 66-69.