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Рубрика: REVIEWS
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Abstract: This review represents an attempt to evaluate a teaching aid by E. A. Nahimova and A. P. Chudinov ―The Basics of Communication Theory‖ (2013) meant for students of higher educational institutions (speciality 040101.65 – Social Work: courses 040400.62 – Social Work, 031600 – Advertisement and Public Relations, 031900 – International Relations).
Key words: Communication; communication theory; communicative competence; competence approach.

For citation

Ignatkova (Shvetsova), S. V. Communication Theory as an Instrument of Bringing Up Communicative-Competent Specialists / S. V. Ignatkova (Shvetsova) // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №2. – P. 167-170.