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Retrospective Analysis of the Study of the Psychological Nature of Creativity
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Abstract: The article analyzes the phenomenon of analysis of creativity in the works of domestic and foreign scholars. The authors focus on factors of manifestation of creativity during various periods of оntogenesis and on the characteristics of the conditions necessary for the formation of a creative personality. Criteria by which it is possible to determine a level of development of the creative personality are revealed on the basis of the retrospective analysis and synthesis of conceptual approaches to the study of parameters of creativity.
Key words: Сreativity; creative personality; factors of manifestation of creativity; behavioral creativity; intellectual creativity; intellect; creative activity.
For citation
Naboychenko, E. S. Retrospective Analysis of the Study of the Psychological Nature of Creativity / E. S. Naboychenko, K. V. Fedorkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №7. – P. 119-123 .