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Integrity of Co-Existence Individuality of a Person and the Principle of Nature Alignment
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Abstract: Ontological paradigm makes it possible for a researcher on the basis of cyclic processes in integrity of co-existence to unite formation and implementation of individuality integrity on the basis of one of the methodological principles of education – the principle of nature alignment. The development of individuality of a person is determined by the super-individual nature of existentional qualities: consciousness, communication; cooperation; empathy; conscience, agreement. Implementation of the principle of nature alignment allows the teacher to use synergetic functions of integrity of co-existence in harmony with the nature of co-relations inside, which determine direction of educational processes.
Key words: Integrity of co-existence; education direction according to integrity of co-existence; co-existentional qualities of a person; synergetic functions of the principle of nature alignment.
For citation
Gert, V. A. Integrity of Co-Existence Individuality of a Person and the Principle of Nature Alignment / V. A. Gert // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №8. – P. 37-42.