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Contextual Problem Situations and Tasks in Formation of Inclusive Readiness of Perspective Teachers
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Abstract: Contextual problem situations and tasks (СPST) as an important component of a procedural component of pedagogical metasubject competence-based and contextual technology of formation of inclusive readiness of perspective teachers are presented in the article. The above mentioned notion is defined, types of tasks and exercises making it are given, its distinctive characteristics are formulated. Significant place is occupied by methodical aspect: classification context of problem tasks and situations on the basis of the selected criteria; levels of complexity, the criteria for their differentiation; the main stages of the work.
Key words: Inclusive educational space, inclusive readiness of teachers, metasubject competence-based and contextual technology, contextual problem tasks and situations, competence-based approach.
For citation
Khitryuk, V. V. Contextual Problem Situations and Tasks in Formation of Inclusive Readiness of Perspective Teachers / V. V. Khitryuk // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №9. – P. 127-130 .