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Axiological Approach in Formation of Interest to Future Professional Activity
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of formation in students of interest to their future profession. The article dwells on axiological and motivational spheres of students important conditions for their professional development. The methodological aspect of work consisted in theoretical and practical justification of axiological approach in relation to future professional activity of students. The obtained results, which showed axiological orientations of students of higher education institutions of sports, are important in the organization of effective pedagogical process in a higher education institution. The application of axiological approach in the course of formation of interest to future professional activity in students allows transforming their valuable orientations, thereby promoting their professional formation, manifestation of interest to future profession.
Key words: Axiological approach, students; axiological orientations.
For citation
Kuzmina, A. M. Axiological Approach in Formation of Interest to Future Professional Activity / A. M. Kuzmina, I. Y. Sazonov, I. V. Tarasevich // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №1. – P. 124-127.