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Peculiarities of Training Young Sportsmen (Biological Aspects)
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Abstract: In pursuit of high results young athletes often overstrain and undergo excessive competitive stress, which leads to disruption of natural human development. As a result, what follows is not only cessation of growth of athletic performance, but also and above all health disorder. It is necessary to clearly distinguish the differences in sports training of adults and children, and on this basis to specify particular conditions of training for young athletes.
Key words: Modern sport; sports technology; development of structures and functions; adaptation; ontogeny; speeding up.
For citation
Vashlyaev, B. F. Peculiarities of Training Young Sportsmen (Biological Aspects) / B. F. Vashlyaev, I. R. Vashlyaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №1. – P. 67-69.