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Dynamics of the Scientific Approach to the Process of Singing Voice Training
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Abstract: The article investigates the main principles and methods of teaching singing, formulated by the representatives of the national musical culture of the past centuries and the present. It is noted that the training of the singing voice, its functioning still remains largely terra incognita of music pedagogy. The instrument of the singer, their vocal apparatus is hidden from direct observation. Its damage is almost beyond "repair". Therefore, the empirical method is not enough for the development of the singing technique; a scientific base is necessary. It is well known that there is nothing more practical than a good theory. However, the practical singers and scientists do not always understand each other and don't use a common vocal terminology. The singers and their teachers find themselves in a maze of inexplicable paradoxes and intractable contradictions. The paradoxes of vocal techniques are reflected in poetic treatises, poems-commandments, and precepts of the famous singers. The article shows the value of using the past experience in the development of singing skills. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the desirability of studying the theory of voice training by students of music schools in preparation for pedagogical practice.
Key words: Art of singing; voice training; vocal paradoxes; emotional-figurative terminology; evolution of educational thought.
For citation
Chernova, L. V. Dynamics of the Scientific Approach to the Process of Singing Voice Training / L. V. Chernova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 97-102.