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About the Role of Translator Decision in the Attainment of Equivalence (On the Example pf French Fiction Texts and Their Russian Translations)
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Abstract: The concept of translator decision is quite important in the contemporary traductology but hasn’t been covered enough theoretically by scholars. The article under consideration determines this concept as well as its role in the attainment of the interlingual equivalence. The analysis is made in the framework of comparative linguistics and transformation theory of translation. Statistical methods are used to achieve more precise data and avoid mistakes. Translator’s transformations are variants of translator decisions and get a detailed description on the example of fiction texts to show the regularity of the influence of one or another translator’s method on the attainment of bigger or lesser equivalence degree. Decision-making behaviour of a translator depends on many factors of objective and subjective nature such as, on the one hand, linguistic and socio-cultural knowledge, and, on the other hand, the type of the text, the author’s position and the main story line. The authors study different types of fiction texts including poetry in order to mark out the most frequent translator decisions irrespective of the genre. The results of the undertaken research may be used in teaching translation theory, stylistics, comparative linguistics, historical linguistics and in the development of translation studies.
Key words: Translator decision; transformation; interlingual equivalence; fiction text.
For citation
Plotnikova, M. V. About the Role of Translator Decision in the Attainment of Equivalence (On the Example pf French Fiction Texts and Their Russian Translations) / M. V. Plotnikova, A. I. Tomilova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 191-195.