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The Autosegmental-Functional Method of Analysis of Nuclear Tones (As Exemplified by David Cameron’s Discourse of Public Speeches)
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Abstract: The article deals with the intonation aspect of D. Cameron’s discourse. The author of the paper emphasizes the fact that in analyzing a particular intonation group one should pay special attention to its nuclear tones, since they are considered to be the most meaningful elements of the intonation group. Then the author proposes and describes a step-by-step method of analyzing nuclear tones, which is based upon the autosegmental approach to intonation. The author also recommends taking into account the register and the range, which are not considered by the autosegmental approach, and introduces a set of special diacritics for their representation. Furthermore, the article highlights that the practical value of the approach mentioned above is of great importance, as it is used to create different transcription systems in order to teach intonation of this or that language. In describing the functional aspect of nuclear tones, the author takes into consideration some works by Russian and foreign linguists. At the end of the article the author concludes that the tones H*L, L*H and H*LH may be regarded as the most frequent in the analyzed speech by D. Cameron, since they carry out a number of significant functions. The paper also emphasizes the fact that the maximum effect is achieved when these nuclear tones are used together with each other. In future, the author is planning to analyze nuclear tones together with the pre-nuclear part of the intonation group, which will enable him to give a more in-depth analysis concerning D. Cameron’s intonation. The results of the given research contribute to the theory of political communication, and they may be of use to linguists investigating intonation.
Key words: Intonation; nuclear tone; autosegmental analysis; intonation group; functions; discourse of public speeches.
For citation
Petrov, M. V. The Autosegmental-Functional Method of Analysis of Nuclear Tones (As Exemplified by David Cameron’s Discourse of Public Speeches) / M. V. Petrov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 185-190.