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Technology of Support of a Biological Family in the Context of Deinstitutionalization of State Institutions for Children Left Without Parental Care
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Abstract: The contemporary socio-cultural space of Russia is characterized by the policy of development of family forms of placement of children-orphans and children left without parental care. In all regions of the Russian Federation, according to regulations, the deinstitutionalization of establishments for children-orphans and children left without parental care is the most promising policy and it creates conditions for the realization of the right of the child to live and grow up in a family. Particular significance is given to the return of the child into a biological (blood) family in addition to its forms guaranteed in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. The emergence of a new form of arrangement of the life of a child left without parental care determines the need for the development and implementation of technology of support for this category of families, which would be aimed at regaining the status of «parent» to parents who have expressed a desire to restore parental rights, or the extension of their legal powers.
Key words: Deinstitutionalization; psycho-pedagogical support; technology of support; stages of technology of support; biological (blood) family.
For citation
Mazurchuk, E. O. Technology of Support of a Biological Family in the Context of Deinstitutionalization of State Institutions for Children Left Without Parental Care / E. O. Mazurchuk, N. I. Mazurchuk // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 220-224 .