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Difficulties in After-Sports Socialization of Professional Sportsmen in the Context of Sociological Analysis
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Abstract: Professional sport today is an inseparable part of Russia, of the industry of entertainment, culture and daily life of the Russians; it also occupies a significant place in economics, politics, spiritual, ideological and patriotic development of the country. The institute or professional sport is a large social “branch” aimed at stable results in sport, which, except for individual-aesthetic and psychological value, plays a role in economic, social, political and moral spheres. The article studies the phenomenon of sport in the context of social sciences. The role of sport in the modern society is discussed. The authors analyse the main approaches of Russian and foreign sociologists to the analysis of sport, sport relations, institutional sport practices and related problems: institutional, social and cultural, structural and functional, person-oriented. Special attention is paid to the analysis of theoretical bases of the problem of socialization of professional sportsmen. From the point of view of sociology, the study of the problems of after-sport socialization of professional sportsmen is not the analysis of the problems of the sportsman, but it is an attempt to study these problems from sociological point of view, in other words it is an attempt to create a model for socialization of professional sportsmen held by social institute of professional sport, besides it is an attempt to reveal and explain the causes of the difficulties of socialization. Socialization of professional sportsmen, characteristic of modern Russia is studied. In conclusion the authors enumerate important problems that exist in the sphere of professional sport: social and psychological problems of sportsmen, difficulties in after-sport adaptation connected with the specificity of professional and sport socialization.
Key words: Sports; sports institute; professional sports; socialization in professional sports
For citation
Ryskin, P. P. Difficulties in After-Sports Socialization of Professional Sportsmen in the Context of Sociological Analysis / P. P. Ryskin, M. A. Kocheryan, A. I. Zverev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №12. – P. 280-287.