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Psychological Components of Leadership Potential of Students in the Educational Environment of a Higher School
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Abstract: The article presents the results of a psychological study of leadership potential of students in the educational environment of a higher school. The research involves identifying the psychological characteristics of young people and the creation of effective pedagogical conditions for the formation of an active and initiative leader. The investigation of structural differences of the components of manifestation of leadership of students with high and low leadership potential discloses specific conditions under which a combination of the degree of expression of individual qualities leads to a change in efficiency of leadership activities.
Key words: Leadership; leadership potential; psychological components of leadership potential; educational environment.
For citation
Zhdanova, N. E. Psychological Components of Leadership Potential of Students in the Educational Environment of a Higher School / N. E. Zhdanova, O. V. Kruzhkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №2. – P. 32-38.