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Systemic-Synergetic Approach as a Methodological Implementation of the Consulting Function of a University
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Abstract: The article illustrates the positive effect of the use of the systemic-synergetic approach as the methodological basis of realization of the consulting function of a higher educational institution. Functioning of a higher educational institution presents an elaborate system. It can be presented as a hierarchy of autonomous self-organizing subsystems. Their stability is provided by the principle of an optimum ratio of management and self-government. Management and operating of complex systems can be carried out by means of weak resonant influences when the developing structure is in the condition of bifurcation. Instability of complex self-organizing systems promotes their survival, self-updating, development and coordinated functioning of components. As a typical customer of consulting we consider each expert of a higher educational institution as manager of his/her professional activity. The effect of synergy will allow turning productive changes in professional activity of certain experts into productive functioning of the organization in general. The potential of the systemic-synergetic approach provides internal resources of innovative development of an educational institution through preparedness of employees for perception of changes.
Key words: System; synergetics; systemic-synergetic approach; consulting function of a higher educational institution.
For citation
Lukashenya, Z. V. Systemic-Synergetic Approach as a Methodological Implementation of the Consulting Function of a University / Z. V. Lukashenya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №2. – P. 133-139.