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Creativity of High School Students as a Predictor of Psychological Well-Being and Resilience
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Abstract: The article considers the basic theoretical aspects of creativity as a predictor of psychological well-being and resilience. Flexibility of thinking and originality recognized as an important predictors of psychological well-being and resilience. It was identified a number of differences in psychological wellbeing and resilience, depending to its degree the students' creative identity. The most significant differences between creatives and uncreatives were found in autonomy. Creative students are showing greater independence in behavior and are more able to resist social pressures in their thoughts and actions. Self-acceptance of creative and uncreative students has no significant difference. At the same time creative students have positive self-esteem, accept yourself with all its advantages and disadvantages. They are positive about those aspects of the self, as the ability to acquire and maintain contact with others. They are more confident in themselves and their own abilities. The study revealed a significant difference in the ability to control the creatives circumstances of their lives. Based on the results of the study can be assumed that non-creatives elect compensatory self-evaluation strategy that is not associated with the actual level of achievement. Creatives considering life as a way to gain experience, ready to act in the absence of reliable guarantees of success at your own risk, considering the pursuit of simple comfort and safety, impoverishes individual. They prefer to focus on their own internal standards. Non-creatives overly concerned about the expectations and assessments of other people are not able to with stand the pressure of others to the detriment of their own opinions. They are conform and try to «be like everyone else».
Key words: Psychological well-being of the individual; creativity of high school students.
For citation
Vodyakha, S. A. Creativity of High School Students as a Predictor of Psychological Well-Being and Resilience / S. A. Vodyakha // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №3. – P. 94-99.