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Language as a Means of Schoolchildren Socialization
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of worldview formation in linguistic consciousness Special attention is given to language as a means of socialization and the process of mastering the Russian language in primary school children as the basis of socialization. Mastering the Russian language in primary school children is one of the socially important means of socialization, and language is seen is not only a means but also as an important tool of knowledge and the formation of personality of the child. The author gives the generalized characteristic of lexical means, reflecting the picture of the world in the linguistic consciousness of the individual, and the process of formation of linguistic identity. The article considers the main directions of the development of language personality of a schoolchildren as a subject of communicative activity. Describe the structure of the language consciousness of native speakers, representing the system of psycho-classes. It defined fragments of reality formed in linguistic consciousness in the process of communication and socialization. The author defines lexical groups of words that represents a picture of the world in the linguistic consciousness, and combines them into a single conceptual system. Primary school age lexicon presents the concept of "Man as a social being."
Key words: Language, linguistic identity, socialization, linguistic personality, linguistic consciousness, concept.
For citation
Demysheva, A. S. Language as a Means of Schoolchildren Socialization / A. S. Demysheva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №3. – P. 99-102.