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Image of a Mother: Peculiar Features of Representation in the Minds of Russians
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Abstract: The paper presents the results of theoretical and empirical studies of the representation of the image of the mother in the minds of the Russian people. On the basis of the key provisions of the systemic-structural approach, the author argues that the image of the mother is actually a mental projection of value-semantic and qualitative characteristics of maternal behavior and worldview, represented at different levels of hierarchically structured system of reflection – perceptive, conceptual and amodal levels. Each level of reflection of the image of the mother is characterized by specific features: idealization and denial of the shortcomings of their mothers (perceptual level), moralization, obligation, high social demands (conceptual level); syncretism of perception of the image (amodal level). The generalized image of the mother, represented in the minds of Russians, includes a complex of values and meanings (They reflect the meaningful aspect of the mother, her role patterns associated with the implementation of educational functions) and instrumental characteristics (ensuring effective interaction with others and, above all, children).
Key words: Image; motherhood; image of a mother; levels of mental reflection; mental representations.
For citation
Vasyagina, N. N. Image of a Mother: Peculiar Features of Representation in the Minds of Russians / N. N. Vasyagina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №6. – P. 138-144 .