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Formation of Cognitive Universal Learning Activities in Teaching Robotics to Basic School Pupils
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Abstract: One of the priority tasks of the school now is formation of the personality of pupils, their mastery of universal methods of learning ensuring their success in cognitive activity at all stages of further education. Of particular importance is the identification of ways of formation of universal learning activities. There are personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative universal learning activities. Cognitive universal learning activities will be regarded as a system of ways of cognizing the world, of designing a personal searching process, and a set of research and processing operations for systematization, compilation and use of the obtained information. The process of formation of cognitive universal learning activities depends on the subject area. Based on the analysis of didactic possibilities of educational robotics, it has been suggested that it may contribute to the development of effective formation of the pupils’ cognitive universal learning activities. The paper proposes a model of methodology of forming cognitive universal learning actions in teaching robotics to pupils of grades 8-9, based on the organization of project and research activities. The article provides examples of learning tasks, aimed at formation of cognitive universal learning activities. The approbation of the proposed method of forming cognitive universal learning activities in teaching robotics proved its effectiveness.
Key words: Cognitive universal learning activities; methods of formation; educational robotics; research and project activities.
For citation
Gazeykina, A. I. Formation of Cognitive Universal Learning Activities in Teaching Robotics to Basic School Pupils / A. I. Gazeykina, S. G. Pronin // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 42-49.