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Formation of Communicative Competence in Pre-school Childhood
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Abstract: The article describes the main peculiarities of communicative development of preschool children. The author analyses the key problems which are connected with the formation of communicative competence in preschool childhood. Many scholars, such as Kunitsyna V. N., Kazarinova N.V., Rudenskiy E.V., Chernetskaya L.V., Gavrish S.V., Lisina M.I. and others have pointed out the need for a special study of this issue. The given paper describes the principal ideas connected with such notions as “communication”, “communicative activity”, “communicative skills” and “communicative competence”. The article also deals with age-related stages of development of communicative activity of a pre-school child with other children of the same age. The point is that peers interaction fosters different personal traits: it helps to learn to express oneself, lead other people, and enter into various kinds of relationships. The author analyses the basic structural components of communicative skills, such as 1) skills connected with perception; 2) skills of understanding communicative situation; 3) skills connected with reproduction; 4) conversation skills. At the end of the article, the author investigates the methods and techniques of communicative skills development, which can foster communicative competence in the period of preschool childhood. The material can be of interest to teachers of pre-school institutions. The author arrives at the conclusion that communicative development is effected by the education process carried out in two organizational models which include joint activity of an adult and children as well as independent activity of pre-school children.
Key words: Communication, communicative activity, communicative competence, communicative skills, pre-school children.
For citation
Privalova, S. E. Formation of Communicative Competence in Pre-school Childhood / S. E. Privalova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 214-218.