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Project Methodology of Person-Centered Values of Love and Friendship (On the Material of High Culture)
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Abstract: The article presents a project methodology of study of person-centered values of love and friendship between man and woman, parents and children on the material of epistolary genre of the silver age. The aim of the presented methodology is to develop personal qualities of students in the process of the dialogue of cultures and acquisition of personal meanings and competence of interpersonal communication. The main method is learning in the dialogue of the modern culture and the culture of the silver age of Russian literature. The methodology is based on the following principles: axiological principle, development of communication and the principle of dialogic nature of education process. The pedagogical process in this project is carried out as reflexive noospheric pedagogy. The project helps to bring up young people demonstrating the value of love and friendship on the best examples of the epistolary genre of high speech culture. The results of the given methodology prove that students not only get interested in the material of the project and try to imitate the high works of epistolary genre, but also show themselves in the most favorable light spiritually, which makes it possible to speak about the achievement of the goal of education and upbringing.
Key words: Project methodology; epistolary genre; silver age; love; friendship.
For citation
Vishnyakova, S. A. Project Methodology of Person-Centered Values of Love and Friendship (On the Material of High Culture) / S. A. Vishnyakova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 203-212.