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Interdisciplinary Relations of School Mathematics with Natural Science Subjects in Studying the Topic of «Symmetry»
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Abstract: To implement the requirements of the federal state educational standards, a modern teacher should take a fresh look at the content of the subject area "Mathematics", considering its notions and facts in relation to the real world phenomena. Thus, it is possible to enhance the interest of students in mathematics and form the belief that mathematics permeates all layers and manifestations of our life. In any section of the school course of mathematics there are topics that allow the teacher to confirm the obvious truth again and again - "mathematics is around us". The article deals with the theme of symmetry in the study of geometry in grades 10-11. It demonstrates the interdisciplinary connections of mathematics with the courses of physics and biology. The authors give definitions of movement of the plane and movement in Euclidean space. The article formulates the concept of self-alignment of geometric figures and groups of self-alignments. The article dwells on regular and semi-regular polyhedra – the so-called Platonic and Archimedean Solids. It mostly focuses on the dodecahedron and the modern interpretation of the geometric form of the universe. The article also deals with the truncated octahedron – tetrakaidecahedron, which is a basic structure of many biological cells. The paper is addressed to mathematics teachers and all interested readers.
Key words: Geometry; space; movement; self-alignment; symmetry group; polyhedra.
For citation
Blinova, T. L. Interdisciplinary Relations of School Mathematics with Natural Science Subjects in Studying the Topic of «Symmetry» / T. L. Blinova, T. A. Unegova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 165-171.