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Professional Standards and ICT-competence of the Teacher
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Abstract: The teacher’s professional standard contains a significant number of positions related to ICT-competences. It is possible to distinguish two levels of requirements for the ICT teacher competences – technological (possession of information technologies) and methodological (knowledge of methods of using IC-technologies in the education process). UNESCO's approach to determination of the content of the ICT-competences of the teacher should be regarded as the most reasonable, comprehensive and integrated one. It contains six aspects of the work of the teacher (realization of the role of ICT in education, curriculum and evaluation, pedagogical practices, ICT hardware and software, organization and management of the education process and professional development). Each of the selected aspects is linked with one of the three approaches to informatization of educational institutions: use of ICT, acquisition of knowledge and production of knowledge. This allows creating a comprehensive structure of ICT-competences of the teacher. However, the content of ICT training should be worked out on the basis of realization of the state of the modern information technologies, used in the education process, as well as the prospects for their future development. The article briefly considers the most popular and promising modern educational IC-technologies: cloud computing, Web 2.0, virtual learning environments, mobile learning, MOOC, Web-portfolio and new formats of educational resources. On the basis of the undertaken review, it is concluded that the requirements of the professional standard for teachers necessitate the revision of ICT training in a pedagogical higher school both in terms of expansion of the number of academic subjects, connected with the use of ICT in professional activity, and the content of pedagogical disciplines.
Key words: Professional standard for teacher; ICT-competence of the teacher; UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers; cloud computing; Web 2.0; virtual learning environment; mobile learning, MOOC (massive open online course); Web-portfolio.
For citation
Starichenko, B. E. Professional Standards and ICT-competence of the Teacher / B. E. Starichenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 6-15.