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Modern Approaches to the Contents of Mathematics Education in the Context of the Dialogue of Cultures
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Abstract: The article studies the problem of realization of the multidimensional nature of mathematics education in the modern world and society, determines the approaches to its content in the context of the dialogue of cultures. It stresses the importance of mathematics education from the position of the dialogue of cultures as an important mechanism of translation and reproduction of cultural values, norms, ideals and the meaning of life, the form and the content of which stem from national and world history, language, traditions and development of various fields of science. The article also defines the approaches to the content of mathematics education in the context of the dialogue of cultures from the position of three levels of realization of the role of mathematics education: at the level of all humanity; at the state level; at the level of personal development. The author argues that from the point of view of the human culture general mathematics education, regarded as a culture of solution of philosophical problems, becomes a worldview culture. In this regard, such level of culture allows conducting a meaningful worldview dialogue by means of a theoretical method of realization of the problems of education. The essence of dialogue does not lie in an exchange of monologues, but a search for common cultural values while preserving individual freedom of development of each scientific field. Structuring the content of mathematics education from the position of the identified approaches will enhance students' interest in mathematics, help to master the fundamental mathematical content and form their intellectual thinking, thus revealing the features of the dialogue of cultures.
Key words: Content; mathematics education; dialogue of cultures; multidimensionality; approaches.
For citation
Lipatnikova, I. G. Modern Approaches to the Contents of Mathematics Education in the Context of the Dialogue of Cultures / I. G. Lipatnikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 151-158.