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Social and Psychological Aspects of Development of Viability and Formation of Resilience of Man
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Abstract: The urgency of the discussed issue is caused by the peculiarities of life activity of man in the post-industrial society, characterized by the growth of life-threatening factors, growing social tensions and the need to "preserve the stability of a person in a very fragile society" (D. I. Feldstein). The need for psychological support and assistance to people experiencing problems in life prompted scientists to study the viability and resilience of man. These two closest in meaning phenomena characterize the modern society socio-psychological tension, which is due to the growing number of information flows, acceleration of the life rhythm, and psycho-emotional disorders. The analysis of the notions of viability and resilience allows one to establish the main predictors that contribute to their manifestation. The factors of development of viability and the formation of resilience include individual and physiological characteristics, physiological properties, socio-psychological qualities, life experience and personal orientation. Their structural characteristics are summarized in the article. An important place in the article is occupied by the analysis of peculiarities of manifestation of vitality and viability at different stages of personality development: preschool age, school age, adolescence, maturity, advanced age and old age. Versatile human life activity is ensured by the development of these two important sense-making life qualities that contribute to self-preservation and long life of a person.
Key words: Viability; resilience; predictors of life; personal helplessness.
For citation
Zeer, E. F. Social and Psychological Aspects of Development of Viability and Formation of Resilience of Man / E. F. Zeer // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №8. – P. 69-76.