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Pedagogical Conditions of Social and Pedagogical Support of Manager’s Activities of Nonprofit Organizations
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Abstract: The analysis of the current sociocultural situation confirms the importance of educational research in the field of management development of non-profit organizations. The main point of non-profit organizations has been defined as a sociocultural institution and it allowed highlighting features of the person performing activities to manage the development of non-profit organizations. In addition, the criteria of management activities of non-profit organization’s managers have been singled out. On the basis of considering activities of managers from a perspective of self-development, embedding of social interaction while using the resources of non-profit organizations, and taking into account the characteristics of these organisations, the set of pedagogical conditions was defined, which influences the success of this activity category. At the same time, the pedagogical conditions are organization of variative activities for sociocultural self-development of managers, usage of socio-cultural resources in the activities of non-profit organization’smanagers; coordination of the interaction between socio-cultural institutions involved in the activities of non-profit organizations (leading to the creation of a structure of public associations). Moreover, the result of implementing of these conditions will be an achievement of high level of the management innon-profit organizations.
Key words: Manager, non-profit organisations, pedagogical conditions.
For citation
Novodvorskaya, N. B. Pedagogical Conditions of Social and Pedagogical Support of Manager’s Activities of Nonprofit Organizations / N. B. Novodvorskaya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №9. – P. 125-128.