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Abstract: The problem of teaching students of the faculty of Elementary Education to implement the federal standard of primary education in the future professional activity is important today. The analysis of standard documentation, courseware and internship has shown that the specific features of teaching primary school teachers to work in new conditions are not clearly defined in the basic curricula and educational programmes of disciplines of basic and variative parts, made up in accordance with federal standards for higher education. The educational process at the faculty is based not on system-activity approach but on the associative and reflex theory. In connection with these problems, the faculty developed a generalized model of professional competence of future primary school teachers. The main directions of this model are: improvement of technological component of the educational process (technology of collective cogitative activity), organization, development and introduction of elective courses, seminars, debating and discussion clubs. The article describes forms, methods, ways, and means to transform the cognitive activity of students in the activities on the formation of universal activities in primary school.
Key words: Formation of universal educational activities, the model of training of Bachelors, system-activity approach, cognitive activity.

For citation

Magomeddibirova, Z. A. Teaching Primary Education Department Students in the Conditions of Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Elementary General Education / Z. A. Magomeddibirova, P. A. Rasulova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №9. – P. 96-101.